Issue: 49 - On Edwin Muir (for his Centenary)
Unpublished Muir essay ‘The Meaning of Romanticism’, memoirs of Edwin and Willa (Fred Urquhart, Morley Jamieson, James D Young on Muir from the socialist perspective), Robert Calder on ‘Muir and the Problem of Exclusion’; theatre debate – Tom McGrath, ‘Impressions of a Playwright’s Year’ and extracts from the debate at AdCAS’s National Theatre conference; fiction from Sheena Blackhall, an a unusual, devastating ‘piece’ on school life by Anthony Duffy; poetry by Kathleen Raine, Meg Bateman and Angus Calder. Illustrations by Dea Trier Mørch and Ann Wegmüller. 96 pp, 1988, ISBN-10: 0-906772-09-5 / ISBN-13: 978-0-906772-09-6 £5.00