Issue: 74-5 - The Women’s Forum 1 & 2 of 4 – Women in Scottish Literature
Current practice and the progress of women in literature and art since the ground-breaking Woven by Women, Chapman 27–28 in 1980. Critical articles on general topics and specific writers: Aileen M Riddell’s ‘What Happened to the Tales of our Grandmothers?’ hacks open the solid male critical bias against women’s writing and calls for a revision of Scottish literary history; Margaret Elphinstone looks at key novels by Catherine Carswell, Naomi Mitchison, Nan Shepherd (whose poetry is separately examined) and Willa Muir. Margery Palmer McCulloch’s ‘Women and Love’ considers women’s love poetry. Sarah Bing explores ‘Autobiography in the work of Violet Jacob’, especially the impact of the tragic death of her son in World War I and Christopher Small visits the theme of ‘Engagement and Detatchment’ in Carswell. Tessa Ransford explodes myths about ‘The Intellectual Woman’ and Ali Smith examines the ‘Four Success Stories’ of Janice Galloway, A L Kennedy, Jackie Kay and Kathleen Jamie – all four also have new work here. And there’s new poetry and fiction from Naomi Mitchison, Margaret Fulton Cook, Val Warner, Magi Gibson, Sheena Blackhall, Agnes Owens, Elizabeth Burns, Janet Paisley and others. 208 pp, 1993, ISBN-10: 0-906772-51-6 / ISBN-13: 978-0-906772-51-5 £8.00