Issue: 86 - Voices of the North
Northern Scottish writers. George Gunn surveys his native Caithness with a sharp, witty eye, Pam Beasant writes sensitively from Orkney and Sheena Blackhall bids a heartfelt farewell to Sorley MacLean. Heather Reyes looks at the overlooked novelist Christine Brooke-Rose and Nigel Grant writing in full-bodied Scots (impressive for a native Gaelic speaker) about Scots and other European tongues fighting for status and recognition. Fiction and poetry by Brent Hodgson and Alan MacGillivray in witty, eccentric Scots, Una Flett, Gordon Meade, David Punter, Hugh Clark Small, Stuart Paterson, Gael Turnbull &c. 104 pp, 1997, ISBN-10: 0-906772-82-6 / ISBN-13: 978-0-906772-82-9 £5.00