Issue: 66 - The Gaidhealtachd & Sorley MacLean & Norman MacCaig, il Maestro
Interview with Sorley MacLean by Joy Hendry – Sorley discusses, his work and life, his greatest inspirations, his feelings about Gaelic, the history of Gaeldom, his relationship with other poets and Scotland in ‘Itinerary of a Song, Colin Nicholson traces Cross-Cultural Connections from Scotia to Nova Scotia and Beyond; Jack Rillie enjoys ‘MagCaig’s Phantasmagoria, there’s new poetry from MacCaig and brilliantly insightful cartoons of him by Gerald Mangan. Innis Macbeath returns to his unique form of political slaughter (sorry, ‘satire’) (poor Mrs Thatcher!), Sandy Neilson discusses the artistic manifesto of theatre company 5th Estate; fiction from Donald S Murray, Pete Fortune and Mary Edward; new poetry from Màiri NicGumaraid, Gordon Meade, Nissim Ezekiel, Ian Crockatt, Duncan Glen, Donald Farquhar, Koert Linde, Maureen Macnaughtan and Gael Turnbull.
104 pp, 1991, ISBN-10: 0-906772-40-0 / ISBN-13: 978-0-906772-40-9